axial fans
- Axial fans from diameter 900 in heavy esecution
- casing steel galvanized
- hub aluminium
- blades aluminium – adjustable
Please find here drawings for belt driven axial fans. Esecution 9 with motor above fan casing, esecution 12 with motor beside fan casing mounted on base frame.
The GTG Gebläsetechnik GmbH provides axial fans of all power ranges. Axial fans from DN 300 – DN 5000, pressure ranges from about 50 – 1500 Pa, axial fans in two-stage design, axial fans for emergency case, axial fans in steel and also hot air axial fans for continuous operation.
Furthermore, the service of axial fans, the reconstruction of axial impellers, the balancing either in the factory and or in the plant and all necessary maintenance activities are offered.